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20060929 I wonder

Senest opdateret af Alice Raunsbæk d. 8 Sep 2011 kl. 18:11:07

Sometimes I wonder - am I that unplesant? There is this guy, I know he can smile but he always seem to frown when I see him. What did I do to wrong him so?

Sometimes I wonder - am I that scary? If I make a statement while doing groupwork, it is as if nobody dares oppose me. As if I would bite their heads of?

Sometimes I wonder - am I that evil? When teachers ask that we do something in groups I always seem to be the one left out or last in a group. When was I so nasty?

Sometimes I wonder - am I that good? So many times my assignments have been presentet to the class because nobody else have done them. Have I missed an unspoken guideline?

Sometimes I wonder - am I the only one? Is it my imagination or do others feel this way? This malplaced? This left out? Or is it just I that is as we ought?

Sometimes I wonder - will I soon come to a better place? Somewhere with people that will be pleased to be grouped with me? People that do their work? People that do not feel the need to shy away from me?

I wonder so!


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Intet nyt under solen

Senest opdateret af Alice Raunsbæk d. 30 Jan 2023 kl. 09:59:24

Det bliver løbende tilføjet opskrifter.

Spil er en ny sektion, hvor reglerne for nogle af familiens spil vil blive lagt ind (når nu engang jeg når til det).
