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Gen-arbejde: RA-OPP

Senest opdateret af Alice Raunsbæk d. 13 Nov 2018 kl. 17:21:17

RA-OPP: program til Oprimering af Protein Produktion / program for Optimization of Protein Production.

Type in a protein and select an organism, RA-OPP will do the rest

Use of RA-OPP

RA-OPP can be used with out charge by students. For commercial use of the program, please contact

Do not re-distribute the program or the packages, refer people to this page instead

Contact the developer

Write to


In the table below you can see currently available releases. A web-version of the latest help-file is also available. This help-file also covers the applet version of RA-OPP.

News/changes Download
Version 2.1.1 - Released: March 26th 2007
  • Bug fixed: End-modification now works correctly
  • Bug fixed: When updating files end where they should
  • Help-file is now in html
  • Help available by right-clicking
  • Applet-users can change organisms list
raopp_v2_1_1.rar (4,67MB)
Version 2.1 - Released: March 15th 2007
  • Build-in update tool
  • Available as applet
  • Applet-users can save work locally
raopp_v2_1.rar (4,78MB)
Version 2.0 - Released: March 5th 2007
  • Progress indicator for time-consuming functions
  • Organisms lists alphabetized
  • Search in standard-organisms list
  • Check of bases and pairs when modifying ends
  • Export cDNA as text
  • Export cDNA for BioEdit
raopp_v2_0.rar (4,66MB)
Version 1.0 - Released: February 12th 2007
  • New work type (old works are no longer loadable)
  • Reading frame adaption
  • Adapt cDNA ends to match restriction site
  • Standard list of 29310 organisms
  • Special lite-package with only 214 organisms for fast download (Arabidopsis, Drosophilia and Escherichia families and Cerataphis fransseni yeast-like symbiont)
raopp_v1_0.rar (4,63MB)
raopp_v1_0_lite.rar (0,24MB)
Version 0.5 - Released: February 1st 2007
  • Optimize protein
  • Save work
  • Standard list of 4495 organisms
  • Add own organisms
  • Validate cDNA
  • List of used codons
raopp_v0_5.rar (1,16MB)


The program RA-OPP is part of a project on the last semester of the education of advanced computer studies (danish: datamatiker uddannelsen).

The project ended in March 2007.

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Senest opdateret af Alice Raunsbæk d. 30 Jan 2023 kl. 09:59:24

Det bliver løbende tilføjet opskrifter.

Spil er en ny sektion, hvor reglerne for nogle af familiens spil vil blive lagt ind (når nu engang jeg når til det).
